Connection Support Services Approach

When your organization contacts CSS, we develop a plan based on your needs/goals by identifying appropriate resources and implementing your vision.  We match your needs with appropriately trained staff members before deploying them to the destination. If the staff member is unfamiliar with your location, they will attend 15 to 30 minutes before the start of the shift to facilitate a seamless transition from one staff member to the other. 

Once the initial consultation and service agreement is finalized, we are confident that our staff will demonstrate their value to your organization.  

Most importantly, your organization’s safety and reputation are critical to us. Therefore, we ensure the completion of criminal reference/vulnerable sector checks for our staff, and they undergo orientation and training in areas of specialized care.

Our staff shall adhere to your organization’s policies and procedures, as well as applicable quality assurance, safety, and environmental standards.

Objectives & Outcome

CSS believes in continuing education and commits to ongoing training and communications with our staff utilizing the most effective techniques to best suit the client's needs.

24-hour Availability

Staff will be available 24 hours a day/7 days per week to take your calls, and we will do our best to accommodate your staffing needs at short notice. CSS will assist your clients with hygiene routines, education, life skills, rehabilitation, socialization, and most importantly, provide individual care.

24-hour Availability

Goal Planning

CSS aims to provide staffing to foster a nurturing environment where clients feel safe while developing skills to see them into the future. Assisting clients with goal planning is imperative to the work that we do. Therefore, we set realistic goals, and involved stakeholders shall promote these goals to achieve overarching success. 

Using a person-centric approach, our team encourages your organization and the families' involvement in the planning and delivery of services.  We shape our services around the holistic needs and preferences of the people we serve to ensure positive outcomes.

Tracking Daily Events

Our process tracks daily events and the client's progress which is recorded/shared with your organization and your clients upon request. The clients in your care will benefit from our therapeutic approach and the skills our staff exhibit.

CSS will account for client care and all pertinent information documented during the shift. Documentation and proof will capture change and demonstrate that CSS meets their objectives.

Client Collaboration

Client satisfaction is achieved with a positive and therapeutic approach. Having your organization’s guidelines in place will assist CSS with overcoming any challenges. Our staff will seek advice and support from your team of professionals when issues arise, and together, we will timely and effectively address them.

Staff Training and Legislation

Consistently training our staff will allow us to meet our clients’ goals and providing customized programming will enable us to make positive changes in their lives. CSS will train staff in all legislation and licensing policies established by your organization, and any provincial/federal guidelines.


All pertinent information will be promptly forwarded to approved stakeholders, along with detailed documentation addressing any concerns. The primary responsibility of CSS is to provide a safe, nurturing environment for your clients. This way, the client develops the right skills and growth.


Communication is vital to health and care. Effective communication with clients and relatives is one of the best ways our staff can improve their services. We aim to build on effective communication between the organization, staff, and client. Being open and honest will assist us in our success and ensure that clients feel comfortable, cared for, and valued.

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